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Copy of Institute for Predictive Images
Imagine a being capable of living here What do you predict you will see? Scene 3: Prosthetic in Origin We were asked to picture a body,...

Earth prayers
… A desertshore demarcates scorched earth from its other. As a shoreline, it separates two differential geologic ecosystems - one showing...
Hybrid Soul Agency
*Field Notes I am in search of a hybrid soul agency. This visual essay I am presenting here denotes the space of resonance and noise...

The Flood (Logorrhea)
Nymph Infested With Empress, Baphomet, and Watchers / Nymph Infested With High Priestess, Janus, Sage, Dance, and Water Carrier / Nymph...
STRANGE ATTRACTORS You said you'd stand by me in the middle of Chapter 3 The Sun forges the melting of matter. Bodies to Bodies merge and...

Perceptions of Time
Flight and rest, 2022, monoprint, acrylic, watercolor on paper, 22" x 30" Variable and relational patterns between heart beats in flight...

Stone Story (Mycelium of Mind)
In Stone story I approach stones as thinking them trough a posthuman agency or as a vibrant matter. It is a sound installation – a mound...

nesX-tant, Yvonne Jones
Project X-tant, within posthuman terrains Extant (Xtant) means currently existing, still in existence, surviving, not lost or destroyed,...

Unhuman,the twist in the Magenta
what makes a living being considered human?
how can we think human and unhuman space and time,if these are ideologycal constructed concepts?

Sepideh Dashti “The polyglot is a linguistic nomad.” Rosi Braidotti, Nomadic Subjects During the present historical period, we experience...

Deformalization of the flaneur-worker
The latest incarnation of the flaneur-worker project entails the transition to the New Art City virtual space. Some of my struggles with...

Vibrational Topology
About 12 seconds, monoprint on paper I have been creating overlaid images and patterns based on the heart rates of different beings as...

The earth's core is hotter than the sun, yet the earth continues to breath coterminous with its own exhaustion. Weathered by its own...

Multi-species body
Embodiment through multi-species emergent processes. In this ongoing project, I aim to explore the possibilities of posthuman embodiment....

Deconstructing the psychology of (post)humanism
Humanists believe man is omnipotent and that if there's a hierarchy in the world, then man is at the top of the world. But posthumanism...

Yvonne Jones - Posthuman Body(ies) and the 'Me'
Posthuman Body(ies) and the Me, follows an earlier research project Peeling the body (Jones 2010) which explored how art could use first...

When we create a map, we make the micro/macro levels of the flows enter into it. In cartography, practical and theoretical dimensions...

DRM: Icon Painter
to set the scene, a backstage provocation: a database as score, gesture codex as iconographic matter parasite auscultation as scene and...

While painting and watching the development of a form of currents, I am wondering about the relevance of a still image. It’s been a...

The Geoplatonist Doctrine
As dusk sets in the Phaedo, soon before he drinks the ending brew, Socrates recounts the structure of the Earth. It’s as if he said we...
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