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posthuman equator: end of egotistical transcendence
A radical force begotten from human epistemological transcendence has already begun to derange the ancient pulse of human existence. The...

Medium: POSTHUMAN Cyber-animism mask
Medium is the prototype of the cyber-animism system through the merge of performing art and fabrication technology to expand the...
Hybrid Soul | Mafe Izaguirre
Exploration of the Posthuman Soul through a Post-Poetic Machine in light of David Roden's Disconnection Thesis. The Emotion Machine is a...

From She-self to She-posthuman
Polyglot as a version of the Nomadic Aesthetics To represent my experience of crossing different physical and metaphorical borders, I use...

What / where / when / why / how & who is a leviathan
Form: Video Essay in the form of an eulogy WHO: The Leviathan, a biblical animal who is vanquished by God in order for mankind to...

Bio-anthropic bodies for conservation narratives
The creation of the non-human body in fiction has historically exhibited the potential to reflect as well as impact the public perception...

The earth's core is hotter than the sun, yet the earth continues to breath coterminous with its own exhaustion. Weathered by its own...

Multi-species body
Embodiment through multi-species emergent processes. In this ongoing project, I aim to explore the possibilities of posthuman embodiment....

Deconstructing the psychology of (post)humanism
Humanists believe man is omnipotent and that if there's a hierarchy in the world, then man is at the top of the world. But posthumanism...

Yvonne Jones - Posthuman Body(ies) and the 'Me'
Posthuman Body(ies) and the Me, follows an earlier research project Peeling the body (Jones 2010) which explored how art could use first...

When we create a map, we make the micro/macro levels of the flows enter into it. In cartography, practical and theoretical dimensions...

DRM: Icon Painter
to set the scene, a backstage provocation: a database as score, gesture codex as iconographic matter parasite auscultation as scene and...

While painting and watching the development of a form of currents, I am wondering about the relevance of a still image. It’s been a...

The Geoplatonist Doctrine
As dusk sets in the Phaedo, soon before he drinks the ending brew, Socrates recounts the structure of the Earth. It’s as if he said we...

Symbiotic artist - Jarek Lustych
Posthumanism, takes a broadly critical view of the wide humanity–science–technology nexus. Posthumanism is fundamentally a critical...

GIONTA & GRODIN Chapter I: we really didn’t get along… This is a story that is inspired by another story. We build castles in the sky as...

Subtracting the Indexical: Depersonalization as patterning and normative excess
Voiding the Known The existential pitfalls of trauma are unavoidable. And within this inevitability, trauma must be considered as a...

The Flood (Logorrhea): Studies for an ominous materialism
At a culture's pole of maximum abstraction, it is intelligence liberated from utility, and therefore intrinsically experimental. Where...

Flaneur-worker can be seen as the final phase agent of human labor. This can entail a notion of expanded human activity mediated by use ...

Mycelium of mind
During our workshop I try to find fragments of my own subjectivity in a posthuman context. I'm living in symbiocene with non-humans...
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