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Intelligence and Computation Lab Publications
Sepideh Majidi-Reza Negarestani
Afroditi Psarra, Galina Shevchenko, Lyndsey Walsh, Tam Hare, Tansy Xiao, Rory Scott, Babak Ahteshamipour, Shaun Ferguson, Daniel de la Torre, Claire Jervert, Maegan Harbridge, Boris Lesnoy, Claire Cical / Quassine, hannah neckel, Filipe Felizardo, Sheshadev Sagria, Andrew DiLallo, Neu Theory, Onty, Goutam Manna, Moises Ramirez, Shriya Malhotra, Julio Lugon

Vinh Mai Nguyen: mecha mecha mecha: Agency, Nails, and AI as wannabe Girl
In the shuddering tunnel of modernist futurism, the Girl emerges as model/AI for the cute accelerationist on-the-go.
Vinh Nguyen

Found as a stray bookshelf
The entry is part of Intelligence-Love-Revolution research program, developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with contributions from...
Daniel de la Torre

Cognitive Dissonance: Re-evaluating AI through Noise and Improvisation
This entry is part of the Deep Objekt  and Intelligence-Love-Revolution  research programs, developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with...
Leslie Predy

Tracing the Modular urge - Ali Eslami
This entry is part of the Deep Objekt  and Intelligence-Love-Revolution  research programs, developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with...
Ali Eslami

Sliding along the moebius manifold : amplitude and creases // Quassine
his is an attempt to map an unfolding the Moebius manifold that constitutes life.
Claire Cical

We will survive as Hybrids: Vernacular Embodiments
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Ventriloquist Ontology
Ventriloquist Ontology explores the limits of control and hybridization between human and machine.
Afroditi Psarra

Queen Free Exchange and other foreign objects
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

Flaneur(0)-Workers // Cognitive Mechanics and Spatial (Non)Resemblances
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Moises Ramirez

This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Goutam Manna

Onty Presents a Short Film: AIONIZATION
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

Neu Theory What is the physical foundation of nature and how does it work? Welcome to Neu Theory – a simple topological...
Posthuman Art Network

Post-Tinnital Testing, 1…
...the 'test' takes place by selecting from an ongoing series of contingently produced images entitled Post-Tinnital...

The Teratoma Will Always Return
The figure of the monster lurks in the peripheries of our gaze. Its latent presence haunts the realms of knowable truths and has become...
Lyndsey Walsh

Meta Data Angels
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Andrew DiLallo

This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

The Human as Transformation - Notes against a Pedagogy for Labor
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

IS RADICAL UNIVERSALISM WHAT IT IS NOT? A preliminary inquiry into the logic of pedagogy
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

Exploring Fluid Connections: Transcending Boundaries, Flowing into each other
Essay on the concept of fluidity and its potential of breaking down boundaries in communities through the lens of internet culture
hannah neckel

Care/full Looking: Some Notes towards a Posthuman Account of Painting
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Claire Cical

Opera, Fourier, utopia
when sound met language they conceived baby speech
when speech met nothing they conceived music
Boris Lesnoy

Some parallels between the late work of Lukács and the late work of Stiegler
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Daniel de la Torre

A Line is an Edge, is a Colour, is a Shadow: Noticing the Queerness of Form in Visual Art Practices
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

Adventures with Androids
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Claire Jervert

social being's complexity and deanthropomorphization
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Daniel de la Torre

Clothesline saga
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

Framing deanthropomorphization in social ontology
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Daniel de la Torre

The foreign object, a gauge for posthuman intelligence?
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

I Sometimes Cover my Eyes and think of the Occasions where We Drop our Smiles
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Babak Ahteshamipour

Impermanence | How to Begin
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

Time is an illusion of measurement.
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Shriya Malhotra

Circumlocution Machine
The Circumlocution Chamber is a networked chatroom that substitutes nouns in user input sentences with their dictionary definitions and then
Tansy Xiao

Dear Myxomycete
This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...

This entry is part of the Intelligence Unbound Residency , developed and led by Sepideh Majidi , with research contributions from Maure...
Shriya Malhotra
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