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Principles of Demonology
(or reading and writing with outer bodies)



I: every demon can be called and negotiated with by it's name
II: the demon carries in great prize it's name. It is from it that he derives his form, motion and desire
III: yet, there is other name, a hidden one, the True Name of the demon he is oblivion of. This names marks that which the demon cannot know
IV: the True Name is the only thing that can trick a demon. But beware, because it's only the Name's desire who has control over the demon


Definition 1: a delimitation, a part, an atom, the imaginary
Definition 2: the gaze of one’s other
Definition 3: the very spooky act of reading, writing, the in-betweens
Definition 4: a lo-fi remix playing; the very good song you don’t remember the name
Definition 5: the sun and its vanished home, the only true creation of humanity
Definition 6: the sore stiffness ruling the silent in ruins, the returned emptiness of happiness
Definition 7: the negative present of the auxiliary verb to be; the unfinishedness of the action, that which reverses the positions of concepts, a noun that doesn’t make sense
Definition 8: post-traumatic relational forces of the past
Definition 9: an essential part of this house that no one can explain


Demon: Hand
Form: the touch, the exchange, the extremity, the flow, the division, the limit
True Name: Failure

Demon: Stomach
Desire: to destroy, to corrose, to decompose, to transform, to absorb, to feed, to analyze
True Name: Melancholy

Demon: Feet
Motion: directional, three-dimensional, irreversible
True Name: Time

Demon: Head
Form: the mind, the plan, the present, past and future, the seek, the hunt
True Name: Necessity

Demon: Night
Desire: to hide, to mystify, to occult, to mute, to whisper, to immerse, to drown, the eternal ice, to doom
True Name: Word

Demon: Street
Motion: the change, the anonymity, the passage, the rite, the chaos, the offense, the demarcation, the localization, the mark, the spot
True Name: Grammar

Demon: House
Form: the residence, the abode, the tent, the lodge, the trunk, the habitation, the welcoming fire, the birth, the trauma
True Name: Crawling

Demon: Spring
Desire: to sprout, to flame, to illuminate, to eclipse, to leave, to interiorize, to create
True Name: Limit

Demon: Memory
Desire: to remember, to focus, to define, to articulate, to choose, to long, to hurt, to bless
True Name: Sand

Demon: Noise
Motion: interruption, distraction, block, goal, carnival, procession
True Name: Darkness

Demon: Existence
Desire: divine spasms, the severe passions, to move, the bless, the fall
True Name: Cipher


V: The demon has no real knowledge of itself. In what it hides, or hides from itself, that's where one can gain knowledge of it’s True Name
VI: A demon can’t be called by it’s True Name, it has dominion over the event governed by that; its Name can only be enacted and not commanded
VII: To call a name is the act of Summoning. To enact a True Name is the act of Possession
VIII: when the demon is revealed, it will be no more.

On Summoning and Possession

Summoning a Demon is an act, primarily, of knowledge. To call a demon into presence enables one to understand it’s form, it’s desires and movements. How and why we can be dislocated in time and space, in emotion and thought. A text is bounded by summoning acts of writing and reading, double-ended rituals of meaning-making, or of calling and negotiation. Negotiation with a demon is offer something and receiving what a Demon desires on it in return. When we offer time, we can receive passion, but we can receive nothing in return. To understand what we receive from a text, from an action, from the offering of our soul, we need to understand the words we bound ourselves into, gain knowledge of a Demon’s names. To hold an Apple, in a ritualistic sense, can be the knowledge of the decaying fragility of one’s own body and the feeling of it’s sweetness as the inevitable end conceived in the womb of time.
Possession, on other hand, it’s not a process in the control of the magician. Possession happens when the writer-reader gains a certain kind of knowledge of a Demon, a hidden knowledge of it’s true nature. A possession can’t be written, once True-Names don’t express form, desire or motion. A Possession can’t be read either, once the reading process, the knowledge, happens within an intricate web of beyond-frontiers spaces, outer bodies, outer minds. We receive from a Possession the knowledge of the existence of a Demon, in a shattered, panoramic view. In the ritualistic space of a text, the Possession happens where the words vanish because when a Demon is revealed, it can be no more. The abstract form of the Possession description is due to this very nature: a Demon can’t offer us the meaning of itself. Possession is a knowledge that not resemble a calling or a negotiation.
There is no true in regarding Possession over Summoning, or the other way around. This kind of magik-making (or thinking) is used by magicians that elude themselves in their desire to exercise control over Demons. The knowledge gained with Possession can offer us only the genetic process that give birth to a Demon’s own desires. And once this process is revealed, the Demon vanishes and is born again, and who knows the Names it carries hidden now?
For this reason, the magical act of the text is analogue to the creation of Hell itself. The reader-writer magician engages in a pandemonium on it’s act of knowledge. Calling, negotiating, killing. Being a legion of Demons in every turn of page, seeing with no eyes, raining with fire, digesting metals, sensing the void, walking on the line of time. This is how language becomes a tool in magik and how the words are born. Possessed-Words are the detritus of the undoing of our own souls, our empathy. It’s with these abilities that the writer-reader magician alchemically obtains real magik. More witch-words are deconstructing the process of the magik, clarifying it by rendering it in the context, the framework of the ritual. Knowledge is constant, elusive in ways, and can generate a text from scratches and scribbles.

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