This entry is part of the Deep Objekt and Intelligence-Love-Revolution research programs, developed and led by Sepideh Majidi, with contributions from scholars such as David Roden, Francesca Ferrando, Sami Khatib, Keith Tilford, Maure Coise, Amanda Beech, Isabel Millar, Mattin,Thomas Moynihan and more. Partner Platforms: Foreign Objekt, Posthuman Art Network, Deep Objekt, The Space Gallery, UFO..
Deep Objekt [0]: miro
This project explores the intersections of game theory and the interpersonal.
local fishModel = workspace:WaitForChild("FishModel") -- Replace with your model's name
local followDistance = 9 -- Distance behind the player where the fish will follow
local verticalOffset = 3 -- Vertical offset from the player
local speed = 2000 -- The speed at which the fish approaches the target position
local dampening = 100 -- Dampening effect to smooth the movement
-- Function to make the fish follow the player
local function followPlayer(player)
local humanoidRootPart = player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if not humanoidRootPart then return end
-- Create the BodyPosition and BodyGyro objects
local bodyPosition ="BodyPosition", fishModel.PrimaryPart)
bodyPosition.MaxForce =, 400000, 400000) -- This needs to be high enough to move the fish
bodyPosition.P = speed
bodyPosition.D = dampening
local bodyGyro ="BodyGyro", fishModel.PrimaryPart)
bodyGyro.MaxTorque =, 400000, 400000) -- This needs to be high enough to keep the fish upright
bodyGyro.P = 20000
while humanoidRootPart and fishModel.PrimaryPart do
local targetPosition = humanoidRootPart.Position - humanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * followDistance
targetPosition =, targetPosition.Y + verticalOffset, targetPosition.Z)
-- Update the BodyPosition and BodyGyro
bodyPosition.Position = targetPosition
bodyGyro.CFrame =, humanoidRootPart.Position)
-- Wait for the next heartbeat to update again
-- Connect the function to player added event
repeat wait() until character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

Gold fishes clone and duplicate around her, follow her, and sometimes they clone too much. When this happens, she flies into the starry sky, stuck hanging there. But sometimes, they enclose her in a hug, leading to a red 70% opacity sign filling the screen and reads, “THE END, GOOD WORK AND LOVE HARD!” which kills the avatar and puts her back to the beginning of the game again.