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Simin Azarpour

Updated: May 4, 2022

When we create a map, we make the micro/macro levels of the flows enter into it. In cartography, practical and theoretical dimensions work together. The preparation of the map is linked to the construction, while the situation for which it is made related to the expression. There are virtual and actual phases, the surfaces which before being expressed are under construction.‌ The cartography, as a machine, varies its components; It detaches elements and re-attaches them. In other words, the map is territorialized and de-territorialized from various directions. We can reach new territories by tearing and turning a map upside down. It can assemble/dis-assemble, connecting to each other all dimensions. The map as noumenal-labour in contact to the real is defined in folding relata to phenomena. It is itself a part of the rhizome. Mapping makes reverse, opens and transforms: The map(s) and becoming(s). In any case, it can be a work of art or a political practice, etc. Mapping contains a kind of counter-facial element, in the sense that, image, photo and faciality appear in communication with power and repressive forces. Cartography-operation involves a vector or potential of CUTING THROUGH the boundaries of powers and territory. Indeed, it ties heterogeneous fields together, so that the cartography seems as body without organs of the earth-condition. The body of the map, is a “body without image” out of the law and tracing. Here there is a carto-analysisof nature/the unconscious/post-humanism in which the map is expressed/constructedas the manyfutures in progress.

Unconscious and post-Nature

We are looking for new alliances between nature as non-established and the human nature under an unprecedented situation which changes both concepts. Considering Anthropocene, variable relationships between human and nature requires a non-ordinary research- program on human Nature we call “unconscious” and on Nature as a post- Noumena.‌ Accordingly, we define three different unconscious related to three distinct natures. Accordingly, we define three different unconscious related to three distinct natures.

The first nature is natural or phenomenal; Perhaps, in the same way Duchamp called some of his works as “ready-made”, we can attribute, à la Spinoza, this pre-invented nature to a “nature natured” (expressionist nature). This nature can be linked to a Freudian model of unconscious (instinct-based- model) that is able to nothing, but expression.

The second nature is machinc or art-artifice of a schizophrenic nature assemblaged by heterogeneous components of delusional constructions, a “nature naturing”. This nature stands near a machinal unconscious as receiver of noumenal energy of nature in the manner we have observed in famous President Schreber (constructivist nature).

The third nature is post-nature, a counter-substantive and a-subjective/objective non- essence, an after-nature which is constituted in-itself and for-itself inasmuch as exceeds its limits in a perpetual changing of nature that is adjacent to a post- unconscious. This co-evolution of human and nature which we tend to call, borrowing Rémy Chauvinʼs term, “aparallel evolution”, ought to be thought at the same time, since there is no post-humanism without a post-naturism and a post- technologism.


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