Sandrine Deumier is a pluridisciplinary artist working in the field of performance, poetry and video art whose work investigates post-futurist themes through the development of aesthetic forms related to digital imaginaries. With her dual philosophical and artistic training, she constructed a multifaceted poetry focused on the issue of technological change and the performative place of poetry conceived through new technologies. Using material from the word as image and the image as a word vector, she also works at the junction of video and sound poetry considering them as sensitive devices to express a form of unconscious material itself. The process of writing and the mobile material of the image function as underlying meanings of reflux which refer to the real flickering and to their reality transfers via unconscious thought structures. Her work consists mainly of texts, digital poetry, multimedia installations and audiovisual performances in collaboration with composers.
Lotus Eaters is a journey through an immersive and interactive virtual environment that tries to develop an imaginary centered on a form of post-futuristic animism. The title refers implicitly to the notion of forgetfullness as a process of appropriating transient identities. Lotus Eaters is a displacement experience : a reappropriation of pre-human / a-human identities in an attempt to invent images representing a tangible immateriality of other forms of consciousness : a self-forgetfulness. Immersion in a space suggested at the limit of the visible, Lotus Eaters proceeds from a minimalist aesthetic intended to position the user in a form of altered perception in order to refocus on minor and infinitesimal things. Consisting in a combination of different landscapes to explore, the virtual environment is dotted with portals and passages giving access to different narrative scenes. These multiple scenes are ritual narratives and function as processes of reconnection to the living world. Each scene describes a particular story : Material-consciousness / Cycles and germinations Transcribing notions of interconnection in a group of individuals from the perspective of a collective intelligence where the tribe / the emitting group would be a consciousness among / between things of the world. Animal-totem / Connections Establishing interspecies implementations to re-enchant a disconnected world. Manipulating the matter of a consciousness-world to fabricate other identities from a hybridization of living beings and a modification of their consciousnesses. Generating incantations to become / become again interconnected beings. Experiencing otherness in itself. Dissolving into multiplicity. Focusing on things without measure. Being weightless. Pulsations / Instability and emotivity-meteor Being related as a group to a multiple, polymorphic and hyper-material world. A consciousness-world coordinated in various degrees of interconnected planes irrigated by a simultaneity of the cycles of life and death and a non-separation of living beings : a consubstantiality of existingones. Re-establishing a living world in itself / readjusting to the whole of the living world.