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The collective voice at the common level

Simin Azarpour

Updated: May 30, 2023

The topic that I will discuss about sound is not the sound that I have produced, the sounds that are, these sounds are the sound of the city, the sound of the community, is it possible to define a sound identity for the sounds of the city? How is this identity broken? How are common sounds produced? What is the relationship between humans and the sounds around them? How do we relate to sounds as a citizen, someone who walks in nature or any other place? The Canadian composer and theoretician R. Murray Schafer talks about two concepts in sound studies: “soundspace” and “sound-wandering”. Soundspace means the sounds we hear when we are in a place or in a spot, sound-wandering is the sounds we hear when we wander or walk. The question that can be raised here is: Do the sounds in the urban rhizome have the potential to build an open system?

In recent months, protests against the ruling system and unfavorable living conditions have been going on in many countries, in some there is a revolutionary situation, the revolutions can be possible or impossible, in this condition we are facing a situation full of various voices, this condition of the collective movement is connected to the molecular-events before it. It can be a transformation of a closed system to an open system. The interior/exterior movements of the collective voice have the potential of passing the previous territory and these new experiences/territories create new abstract/concrete worlds and we can connect to them. The flows of collective voices create a new territory for the community. This is the voice of desire, a collective desire, a desire that invests in the social.

The suspended in an incorporeal event

One finds oneself between sounds; we are hearing the sound of Everythingʼs breaking-down and raising-up. One starts receiving distinctive sounds encountering the infinity of the sounds, the connection of a heterogeneous collections of sounds like an island that surrounds us, in other words, we are faced with a kind of complexity of sounds. These sounds conserve potential(s) from near or far future. What exists in sound is an oscillation, an oscillation of repeated changes around a far-from-equilibrium sound-system (eternal return or ritornello). For instance a pendulum, within which there is an oscillation of kinetic and virtual energy. Vibration is also a type of oscillating movement that may be repetitive which creates resonances and produces rhythms. Resonance allows different types of orders enter into the same relationship. Oscillation and its components can be connected to sensation and nervous systems, what we hear is the result of kinetic energy and force.There is a virtual oscillation/sensation in the sound that becomes actual. Sounds can create singular events. Connecting heterogeneous sounds can cause vibration/sensation, which then leads to a new perception. There is a virtual action that becomes an actual one in percept, this action is expressed in one’s comprehension in term of his/her space and time. This act can be moved toward other directions, so much so that action/movement occurs in a nonlinear system that can take us out of the current situation. Molecular events are linked therefore to the great event which itself consists of intertwining micro-events. We can consider sound as a phenomenon in the same direction as time, there is a connection between the sound and time, and the space created between sound and times, which can be conceived as a particular space for micro-events.

Full sound

Engaging in News as professional work can be seen commonly as non-philosophical labor, but it is full of philosophical ideas – even Ideas about the nature of News – but it rarely frames these ideas in terms of either classical or modern philosophical theory or discourses. The answer to the philosophical question, "What is news" does not start from a deeply philosophical position. News, by definition, is information about current events. It mostly conveys to us in two different ways, direct and indirect. News-analysis is possible by combining sources, checking main arguments and excludes biases. The main factor in the news is the sound, in fact the sound is the carrier of the news, this kind of news transfer to us due to potential in the sound waves. Sound is a type of vibrational energy. We can examine two types of voice, “full sound” and “empty sound”. Empty sounds are voices that have no meaning in-itself and do not connect our mind to anything at the moment of hearing, these are dominant sounds which remain in the frame of common perceiving; the frame of journalistic understanding. But, full voices lead us beyond frames, to “events”, to “becoming”, in full voice there is a connection with the unconscious, where the reservoir of secrets exists. Full sounds affect our perception and sensation. Perceptions/sensation are the generators of immanent events, they connect us to the great event (eventum tantum) in Aion time. Aion's time, as beyond the past and the future, is unlimited/infinite. It is connected to incorporeal events; Chronos is the empty and Aion is the full form of time. We can consider the empty sounds in the context of chronological time. Chronological time is a cycle of time in which the present, past and future are connected. Chronos time is limited/finite time. The full sound takes us beyond the dominant voice.

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