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Virtual Exhibition


  • We are imagining new forms of spatiality and considering various ways a subject may spatially position themself in relation to the world, by exploring new types of posthuman agency. For this, we move from our egocentric models of human agency in discrete manifolds--which are based on the reflection of the subject's inner world--toward new types of agents based on continuous manifolds, in which the ground comes from Outside. Each artist is creating an agent within a space. For the agent to be in the World, the space should be continuous and should come from the outside. This means we have continuous types of spatio/time manifolds, or continuous and dynamic substrates. So how can we create the spatio/time platforms, or models, that not only connect to the these continuing manifolds, but also construct them and bring them to light so we can experience such worlds? To do this, we are looking at the agents, in each project, which have access to the characteristics of their general space or substrate.

    • We have three types of continuous manifolds: Dynamic/Space/Time invariants: We will call the first one Ocean: Here each artist has access to the characteristics of general space in the form of an ocean. In this part, we have a complexity of levels of space-time. We cannot constitute temporal time in the ocean, outside of local structures, but we have access to oceanic time-space configurations with which we can travel across. The second we will call Sun or Fire: Each artists has access to the general space of the sun and can connect to the sun in a non-mediated method. The sun is a highly complex substrate, but we have the tools to make it intelligible. We will speculate on how the agent can move or communicate with other agents in such an intensive and continuous substrate. The third we will call Air or Tornado: This continuous space works with the idea of Outside. Here each artist has access to the characteristics of general space in the form of a Air/Gas/Clouds. In this part, we have a complexity of levels of space-time. Here again, we will make our own time and space models. At the same time, we will have access to the Outside.

    • Project Notes and Assignment:

    • General Time-Space Manifold: Ocean, Sun/Fire, Air/tornado Agent: Think about your agent, and its characteristics, name, and type (human, Posthuman, non-human, etc..) Worlds: You already created your world in the first assignment. You can get more implicit and think about the main ingredients, axioms, levels, relations, etc. Is your world open to other travelers/agents? How it can be experienced? Time-Space: Design and speculate on time and space in your own world, and think about how it can connect to the continuous and dynamic manifold of the general space (Ocean, Sun/Fire, Air/tornado). Think about the different levels of this complex environment, and speculate on the Experience of Being in the World, as part of the continuous manifold. Environments: You can conceptualize and visualize the environment of your own world, and speculate on these different types of environments as you travel between worlds. Movement: Will you move from your local structure to other ones? How will you move among the characteristics of your general structure, such as Ocean, Sun, and Air? Would you create a vessel or some type of instrument? Also, you can think about the characteristics and transformation of your Agent as it moves through such an intensive and complex manifold. We will speculate on how the agent can communicate with other types of agents, aliens, and radically different forms of intuition (in a Kantian and Boltzmanian sense), and what it means to expand our computational, conceptual, and cognitive resources to compute and make intelligible that which is non-computable and unintelligible to us. Objects and Artifacts: Think about the objects and artifacts from your world. How can you construct them? As you move through other worlds and travel, what will happen to them? How do they transform and mutate through different levels of time-space, configurations, intensities, and different levels of complexity?


Virtual Exhibition: Toolkits, Agents, and The World

In the previous assignmentIn on the Miro Board, we created areas and neighborhoods which are inferentially constituted posthuman/world models. Here we have the multiplicity of the world/posthuman diagrams as local inferential structures of posthuman world models on the continuous, dynamic substrate. In this practice we are developing and documenting the methodologies that will allow us, first, to construct a world that is open/not open to other travelers/agents. Second, a methodology for our agents, to navigate and encounter other worlds and other agents. Third, we are navigating the dynamic substrate with the constant emergence of worlds. For this, we use and construct maps as we traverse across.

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